Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sister sub?

Prompt: How would you feel if your Dom/Master had another sub/slave? Would you be jealous? How would you handle it? Has it ever happened or been considered? 

This is something we have discussed and tried, briefly, in the past. It didn't work out, but it had nothing to do with jealousy on my part. My "sister sub" had a few life circumstances that she needed to work through, that had nothing to do with us. 

There was no animosity between she and I, whatsoever, in fact, we still talk at times. However, they didn't remain in their dynamic for very long, so I cannot say for certain if I would eventually have developed feelings of jealousy or not.

I have no doubt that the probability exists,that I might have experienced brief moments of jealousy, had their dynamic have become something more permanent, and I would like to believe, and am quite certain, that I would feel secure enough in our marriage to recognize my momentary feelings as irrational and trust in my Husband's love for me and for our family, regardless. Plus, she is also married and thus, her dynamic with Hubby was also HER secondary or "beta" relationship.

Their dynamic was opposite of ours in that she was not in the slightest masochistic, but instead, her preferences were much more sensual than mine, so I didn't feel that there was any sort of competition between us. For the brief time that she was part of our lives, it allowed Hubby to begin to explore a completely different side of Himself that had nothing to do with me or OUR dynamic.

Hubby also has a bit of a submissive side to Him, as well, so there is also the consideration of Him possibly some day having a Domme. This might be a bit more difficult for me. 

In theory, I would have no problem with Him exploring that side of Himself. Where my problem might arise, would be in whether or not the Domme would be able to accept being Hubby's "beta" relationship, with me being "Alpha" even though I am submissive and she Dominant. So long as that didn't become an issue, I believe that things would work out just fine.

Ultimately, so long as our marriage relationship and our family remains the most important priority in HIS, as well as MY, life... then any and all other issues could be worked through with respect and open and honest communication.

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