Friday, December 10, 2010

Discretion around Family

Journal Prompt:

Dealing with Family - How do you maintain your dynamic when you are around family members whom are unaware of your lifestyle? 

For example, if you are expected to ask permission to do certain things, how would you seek that permission without being obvious about it?

No one in either Hubby's or my family know anything about our lifestyle, so it's important for us to be as discreet as possible.

Most of the time, it's as simple as merely being respectful toward each other and not arguing with Him or correcting statements or details of stories that He's telling. Showing Him a little extra consideration, like asking Him if He would like something to eat or drink if I'm up and getting something something for myself.

times it takes a bit more thought. For example, I am trying to stop smoking, and am required to ask permission to have a cigarette.

When we are around family, there are numerous ways I will seek his permission so that people don't catch on to any particular pattern of behavior. I sometimes will play with my cigarette case or tap on it and wait for Him to make eye contact and lightly nod His head.

Sometimes I'll text Him to ask, then wait a few minutes so no one makes a connection between a text and me lighting up. I will also occasionally mention that I'm thinking about stepping outside for a smoke and ask Hubby if He would like to join me, at which point He'll either join me or tell me to go ahead without Him.

It took some getting used to at first, but it's pretty much become second nature to us now... It has definitely caused us to become much more in tune with each other and we pay a lot more attention to each other now.

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