Sunday, September 12, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself

Hello, I am Sybil (Crimsonia's Circus Freak...LOL) You might consider me to be her Alter Ego, and perhaps a degree of accuracy may be found within that label, but really... I am the person she was never allowed to be, the person she always wanted to be, the person, whom for years, she was always afraid to be... I am the part of her that truly keeps her sane.
She kept me caged up and hidden away for so long that I almost disappeared entirely, but all that changed a few years ago.
She discovered, that without me.... he life was dull, routine, un-extraordinary... and while she had been graced with many incredibly amazing blessings in that life... she had lost her ability for be grateful for them.
I am the one whom has taught her that it is not difficult... nor is it wrong... nor is it sinful... to be different... to find her inner beauty... to be sexy... to be naughty... to be pleasing to her husband.. to allow him to be the man God intended for him to be. It only requires surrender...

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