Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I share this because...

It is my goal, in sharing, that I can help others to understand, at least to SOME degree, that "KINK" is really no different, in essence than any other "choice perversion" (speaking of course, tongue in cheek).
I didn't wake up one day and decide that I couldn't live without being tied up, spanked, paddled, and flogged.

I have dreamed, and imagined, and fantasized about it my entire life... it truly is an essential part of who I am... whom I have always been and have become.

I could not wake up tomorrow and decide to no longer BE submissive... it is not a choice... 

It IS me... I AM it... I am not "A" submissive.... it is not a Title, like a secretary, that I wear proudly... 

I AM submissive... it is something that must be accepted, understood, and embraced by myself... it is ingrained within my very nature... it is part of my very soul.

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