Saturday, November 27, 2010

His Expectations...

I have not added a entry in a while, and so a couple friends and I have decided to help motivate each other by giving each other certain prompts or topic ideas for new entries.

The current prompt is: Part 1: "What do you do to show you're submissive?(Such as wearing a collar or certain piece of jewelry or other personal symbols.)

There are many different ways that people show outward indications that they are in a committed relationship. For example, when in high school, a boy may give his girlfriend his class ring to wear, or buy her a special necklace, or let her wear his Letterman's jacket, etc...

People buy each other friendship bracelets, promise rings, engagement rings, wedding bands... These are all recognizable symbols of the love and commitment people share with another person.

In this lifestyle we also have special items that are symbolic of our commitment... some people get special tattoos or they wear special types of jewelry as well... for example... Some people wear a collar, or special bracelets or anklets to show that they belong to another person.

There are also other less conventional things they will do. For instance... I do not currently wear a collar, though I am hoping we will soon be able to purchase one for me to wear... but I do have both of my nipples pierced, as well as a vch piercing, and one other symbol that I have yet to tell anyone else about because it is slightly less common. I allowed Hubby to literally carve a set of letters into my back side. While I'll not share with you what those letters are, I will say this... they mark me as his property... PERMANENTLY.  

Part 2: Write about you're rules and punishments and how you feel about those. How do you and you're S/O fell when they are followed or broken?

As for rules and discipline... we do not have any thing written out, but there are certain expectations He has of me. He expects me to maintain our home, it doesn't have to be completely spotless... but He does expect it to be organized and kept clean.

I am not allowed to touch Him with my hands (There is a bit of a story that goes with that rule). I may touch Him in any other way, with any other part of my body, except my hands... unless I have His permission first.

I am not allowed to smoke a cigarette without first asking His permission. I asked specifically for this rule because I made a promise to my Mom before she died that I would stop smoking entirely by a certain date, and so, at my request, Hubby has taken control over when I am allowed to smoke and how much, so that I will be able to completely cut back and eventually quit by the promised date
My body belongs to Him and He may take it and use it in anyway He see fit to use it, anytime He desires to do so.

For over 4 years, our BDSM dynamic was only enjoyed in the bedroom, but 6 months ago I asked Him if we could take it outside of the bedroom and begin living it 24/7 and He agreed. So while we have been in this lifestyle for nearly 5 years, we are relatively new to the 24/7 aspect, and thus we have not yet developed a full set of rules and expectations. We pretty much make it up as we go along. We try something out for a period of time... test the waters, so to speak, and if it works, it becomes permanent. If it doesn't, we drop it.

As for discipline/consequences for disobedience/disrespect... there is really nothing set in stone... He determines how to discipline me according to the infraction.

One example of His creative thinking... I forgot, one time, to get His work clothes washed, and as a result I was made to wear pj's to sleep in. I am not comfortable wearing any type of clothing to bed, so for me, this was actually quite harsh. Since then I have not made that same mistake, Hubby ALWAYS has clean clothes to wear to work.

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